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Skydiver Recording His Potential Death?

The Internet has boggled my mind once again.

A new friend of mine found an interesting video while she was browsing through social media and forwarded it to me.

The video was a skydiver who was recording himself falling from the sky and his parachute not opening. The video ended after he gave the parachute the finger. This was all happening while the song “Bad Day” by Daniel Powter.

Is he alive? That’s the exact same question that thousands of other viewers asked too.

We’ll find out soon enough.

But I’m sure he has a backup parachute, so I’m optimistic about his situation.

Onto a more business-like note.

A couple of weeks ago, I got an unwanted sales email from a vendor who sells hardware products, an industry that I’m not in at all. At the end of the email, it said that if I’m interested, I should reply back.

But the subject line says, “Do Not Reply.”

Well done to whoever created this. Pat on the back and spank on the bottom for you.

I’m no cold email expert, but that was a mistake, but an interesting one at that.

It did get my attention though, so I’ll give them credit for that. And they kept their emails short, which I believe how initial cold emails should be.

But for me, I’d rather stick with writing nice, warm, personal emails to people who want to receive them.

And for those kinds of emails, you can learn how to write them from How to Become an Email Titan.

About the author:

Ellisen Wang is an email copywriter and the author of “How to Become an Email Titan.” You can read the sample chapters of the book and learn how to write email copy that your subscribers will never get enough of and will make them want to buy from you by opting in at When you opt in, you’ll also get daily copywriting, email marketing, and business tips sent straight to your inbox. If you don't want to optin, you can also read through the blog and listen to the audios for more marketing content and training.